Our Mission

Equine Conservationist Victoria Tollman of Central Registry Service Group (CRSG) has partnered with Dr. Cothran and Texas A&M University and Help Alberta's Wildies (HAW) for the Alberta Wildie Project to collect census data and DNA samples from horses captured from the wild horse herds in Alberta, Canada.

The purpose of the study is to determine the genetic heritage and uniqueness of the Alberta Wildies. There is NO charge to horse owners for participation.

HAW will be on the front line spreading the word and collecting hair samples. CRSG will process the submission data, package the samples for the lab, plus underwrite and coordinate the work for the Wildies census database. Samples will be analyzed and studied by Dr. Cothran and his genetic team at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas, USA where the overwhelming majority of the world's rare breed genetic data is analyzed and stored. The results will be published once enough samples are collected and analyzed, which Tollman estimates will take about 12-13 months.

Tollman is asking all samples for CSRG be submitted through Darrell Glover/HAW as a first point of contact. Duane at DuaneStarr Photography, known in the local area for his Wildie photos, is making himself available to anyone needing help with photos of their horses for initial submissions.


Contact Us

If you own a Wildie or know of a horse that has been captured from any of the Wildie herds please contact HAW to see how you might participate in this study and help bring awareness to the Wildie cause.

Darrell Glover
North 40 Ranch, Box 3826
Olds, Alberta, CANADA T4H 1P5
Cell: 403-350-8688
Email: hawwildies@gmail.com
HAW Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/helpalbertawildies