CRS Purpose & Summary of Services
Caspian Registry Services is a registry processing service similar to the registry services of the American Kennel Club [AKC] for dogs, except we register Firouz-Caspian Horses – horses whose entire pedigree traces trace to Iranian stock chosen by Louise Firouz.
Our goal is to provide professional, timely, consistent, accurate, and affordable registrations. Applicants can choose from two types of registration:
1) DNA Certified Only (sire/dam)
2) DNA Certified with a 4 generation pedigree
Conservation is our top priority. As supporters of the critically endangered Firouz-Caspian Horse, we encourage world wide reciprocation with any verifiable purebred Firouz-Caspian gene pool. CRS provides incentives, rather than penalties, to encourage the inclusion of all purebred Firouz stock and further enhance and protect the overall gene pool.
Applicants must be verifiable as purebred stock (utilizing DNA parentage verification) tracing to Firouz-Caspian stock. Because we rely on DNA parentage testing (99.9% accurate proof of sire & dam) and because we understand the value genetic diversity in a small gene pool, we do not require stallion licenses, stallion reports, or require special documentation for foals produced by artificial inseminations or embryo transfers.
CRS will review Financial Hardship Registrations on a case-by-case basis and upon request may be able to provide funding or waive fees for registration or DNA tests.