The Caspian, an ancient Central Asian breed once coveted by Persian Kings, is making a comeback from the brink of near extinction.
Caspians are highly intelligent and alert, yet they maintain a great deal of tractability and have a strong interest in bonding with humans - all without losing the prized spirit of a hot-blooded breed.
The overall impression of a Caspian should be one of elegance, grace, fluidity, and nobility. Averaging 11 - 12.2 hands, a Caspian is kind enough to be a child's first pony, and talented and flashy enough to be a top competitor in the dressage ring or on the hunter/jumper A-circuit.
That same agility and classy look makes the Caspian an able competitor in pole bending, barrels and other gymkhana activities. They are a standout for 4-H halter and performance, and can just as easily be enjoyed by youth for trail riding for as they can for adults in competitive driving where speed, stamina, and agility count.
Isn't it time you checked out a Caspian?

Flashy Athletic Versatile and Kid-Kool!